SECOND USER | ICG Drum Scanner


Not impressed with CCD (flatbed) scans, want clean, pin sharp, full colour gamut scans? On a tight budget but still require excellent resolution from your scans?
ICG have the prefect solution. Call ICG on 01249 448615 today to talk to a specialist who can help you find a the right scanner for your needs AND your budget.

Used Drum Scanners come complete with Scanning software, scanner drum and mounting device. Each scanner will have been fully serviced before despatch.

Vertical Reality - No Compromise Scanning

ICG colour drum scanners are a truly high performance scanners, that measure up to the very best in productivity, versatility and quality.

Our used Drum Scanners comes complete with ScanXact® software and analysis resolution of up to 8000 dpi. With these features and more, used Drum Scanners are easily able to meet the requirements of those who need to produce the highest quality scans - fast.

For more information please contact ICG.

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Man on workstation next to 355 drum scanner

Second User Scanners

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ICG 380 Drum Scanner
Drum Scanner Manufacturer
Queen's Award for Technology